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Come and learn Portuguese during your trip to Brazil!

Sueli Maria Rutkowski

Hello Foreigners! Are you coming to visit Brazilian lands? So, take the opportunity to learn Portuguese in your trip to Brazil in a way as pleasant as possible: taking tours!  And to have a pleasant learning of our language the tip is to travel to one of the most beautiful colonial cities in Brazil: Ouro Preto. Have you ever thought about the amazing experience that is to learn Portuguese enjoying the tours in a city that is a cultural heritage of mankind?

And there goes another tip: to optimize your time and make your learning easier, take a tour with a local guide.  Take your tour with me, Sueli Tour Guide! I speak English and German and this will help you learn.

Choose your tour and speed up your learning!

Taking a tour with me in Ouro Preto you will have individual thematic walking tours focusing on the local Culture and Nature.  During the walking tours you will know Ouro Preto in its richest details while experiencing the routine and atmosphere of the city and learn Portuguese.  Not bad, is it?

On my website I post my thematic tours, so you can choose one, two or as many tours as it may be interesting for you.

If this is your first time in Ouro Preto, I suggest you to visit those places in town which you cannot go back home without seeing, with the tour Ouro Preto Básico. But if you are a nature lover, start with the tour Cachoeira das Andorinhas Park  Or if you prefer, take a customized walking tour.  You only need to book the tours you wish through the site, and voilà, you are ready to travel!

After choosing a tour, you just have to pack, because Ouro Preto waits for you with open arms! But before packing, check the weather in weather in Minas Gerais. Ah, you should also check the events calender of Ouro Preto  (events calendar) so you can get an idea of everything that is happening in the city!

Are you already taking a Portuguese Course? 

If you are already taking a Portuguese for Foreigners course take the opportunity to travel through Brazil and enhance your learning.  And don’t let Ouro Preto out of your trip, as you should find out why it is a heritage of mankind!

If you are in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, or Belo Horizonte and would like to know how to get to Ouro Preto, there is a post full of tips that you can read  clicking here!

But if you are coming to Brazil to take a Portuguese course and is considering doing it in Ouro Preto, I recommend the Global Idiomas.

Did you see how many nice tips for you who wants to learn Portuguese while you travel in Brazil?

Would you like some more tips? So, check the posts Passear e Saborear Minas nos restaurantes de Ouro Preto  and Onde comer um delicioso queijo Minas to know where to eat some delicious mineira food (typical food) and our typical cheese when in Ouro Preto.

And when you return home, don’t forget to take a souvenir as a memory of your experience or as a gift for friends and family.  Clicking here you will find great tips about where to buy souvenirs in Ouro Preto.



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I am always available to answer your questions and guide you towards a unique experience here in our city.


Museums and churches close atMondays! Except on holidays.



© 2023 by Mateus Marx.

Sueli Maria Rutkowski - CNPJ 13.874.297/0001-66

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